Getting started

Here are a list of tutorials covering a range of use-cases you might want to work on without reading all of the documentation


  1. Start using Picsellia: Covers all the main features of the platform

  2. Create, annotate, review a Dataset: Get your image Dataset ready in no time

  3. Create a new Dataset Version: Learn how to manipulate your Datasets easily from our UI

  4. Train a custom Object Detector: Learn how to use our wrappers around the most popular frameworks

  5. Deploy model in production: Learn how to deploy your model once your training is over

  6. Feedback Loop: Send your model's predictions back to your Datalake or Datasets


For more in-depth explanations on the different topics, you should check the corresponding part of the documentation :

Data ManagementExperiment TrackingHyperparameter tuningModels


For strict details on how to use our APIs or the Python SDK, please check the reference pages :


Last updated